SDGs 2030 Agenda

The summary of “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”      ∼∼∼the document of the United Nations 2015∼∼∼

Preamble: Not left behind one people, we complete the 17goals and 169targets for humane & planet.

People: End poverty and hunger

Planet: Protect the planet for degradation for our and future generation

Prosperity: We enjoy prosperous and fulfilling lives in harmony with nature

Peace: We foster peaceful societies, as no sustainable development without peace and vice versa

Partnership: we implement the Agenda with the participation of all countries, stakeholders and people.



1.Have decided new global Sustainable Development Goals.

2.Implement this Agenda by 2030 for Sustainable development, including the eradiction of poverty.

3.End poverty & hunger, combat inequality, protect human rights, planet & achieve economic growth.

4.We pledge that no one woll be left behind

5.This Agenda is accepted by all, respecting each diffrential national reality

6.This Goals are the result of public consultation, paying attention to the most vulnerable

Our Vision

7.These goals are for no poverty, hunger, violence,& high quality of education, health, water, food.

8.We respect human rights and dignity, non-discrimination for race, ethnicity, women and children.

9.We envisage every country enjoy sustainable economic growth and decent work.

Our shared principles and commitment 

10.This Agenda is reflected from the Charter of UN, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights etc.

11.This Agenda is shaped from major UN conferences as the Rio Declaration the World summit etc.

12.We reaffirm the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development including any responsibilities

13.The challenges and commitments in major references needed to be interrelated for solutions.

Our world today

14.The rising disparity and the natural resource depletion lead to our society and planet at risk.

15.Also,however human progress is on the way, with eradicating poverty and giving educations.

16.The new Agenda complements the Millennium Development goals in reaching the most vulnerable.

17.This also goes far beyond poverty, health, education ,to economic, social environmental objectives.

The new Agenda

18.This Agenda be implemented following the rights and obligations of States under international law.

19.We reaffirm the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, respecting each race, religion, disability.

20.Realizing gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls is crucial.

21.The new Goals effective on 1 Jan 2016 and guide the decision next 15years.

22.To pursuit sustainable development, special attention needed to vulnerable countries.

23.People who are vulnerable must be empowered.

24.End poverty and hunger. Devote resources to developing areas of farmers, herders, fishers etc.

25.Provide quality education to all; with disability, migrants, children, those in vulnerable situation.

26.Must achieve health coverage and care to promote health and well-being, preventing disease.

27.Grow economy for all countries, by decent work with equality

28.We change the way of production and consumption.

29.We recognize the migrants for the development of countries with full respect.

30.States should follow international law to achieve economic and social development.

31.Reduce global gas emissions to respond climate change.

32.We underscore commitment of climate change and reaffirm its protocol.

33.We conserve natural resources on which we depend the social and economic development.

     and also promote sustainable tourism

34.Sustainable urban development is crucial to the quality of life 

35.Peace and equality are needed, including self-determination out of foreign occupation.

36. All cultures and civilization are crucial and achieved by fostering intercultural understanding.

37.Sports contributes to the realization of sustainable development and peace

38.We reaffirm the need to respect the territorial integrity and political independence of States.

Means of implementation

39.The new Agenda requires Global Partnership as government, private sector, civil society, UN etc

40.The implementation of Addis Ababa Action Agenda is  critical.

41.Public  finance, including by private sector civil society oraganization are needed for implementation.

42.We support the implementation of relevant strategies and programmne of action, esp. for peace.

43,Public finance is important for vulnerable countries.








