2000 Hawaii Water Plan https://dlnr.hawaii.gov/cwrm/planning/hiwaterplan/
SWPP State Water Project Plan

1987 Hawaii Water Code 施行 Commission on water resource Management 設立
The Hawaii Well Construction and Pump Installation Standards

1978 Hawaii’s State Constitutional Convention が, Native Hawaiian の文化、歴史、言葉を学び、保全することを決める
1978  ハワイ州憲法改正により州が水源の責任を持つ(7条)


DLNR=Department of Land and Natural Resources

2007 the Hawaii Dam and Reservoir Safety Act — which allows DLNR to take enforcement actions for violations and in emergency situations.

2006.3 Ka Loko Reservoir 決壊

HAR(Hawaii Administrative Rule)

Dam Inventory system

Horizon Guest House : understanding Ahupua’a: Ancient Hawaii’s unique land division model
Hawaii’s ancient land management

ahupuaa system

Build Back Better Act:1.7兆ドル規模の人的インフラ法案「バイデンの署名待ち」
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law 2021/11/5可決 国家の物理的インフラに1.2兆ドル、

SRF ( State Revolving Fund) EPAが提供し州が運営する上下水道事業向けの財務支援プログラム。EPAが各州に助成金を分配し、各州が上水道事業用に低金利融資や債務保証に利用する
飲料水the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF),
クリーンウォーターthe Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF)


EPA Announces over $68 Million in Water Infrastructure Funding for Hawaii Through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, Calls for Prioritizing Underserved Communities


WIFIA(2014) 上下水道プロジェクトに対するEPAの信用援助プログラム。旱魃予防・緩和プロジェクトにも利用できる。
a Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA)

Superfund sites(National priority lists =NPL)
1. Delmonte Corp.(Kunia)
2. Naval computer and telecommnication area
3. Pearl harbour naval complex
4. Schofield barracks(US army)

Get the lead out Initiative (GLO)

Maui Fire

2023/8/8 Fire ocurrence

Wayne Katayama
