Water related spots

Nagoya Higashiyama water tower

 大分豊後大野ジオパーク 阿蘇噴火⇒溶結凝灰岩(火砕流が溶け高温の状態から冷え固まった)
  「音無十二号分水」円筒分水 水争いの解決法


Welcome to Yanagawa The water of city
Boat Tour(Ohori-meguri)
Feel the nostalgic atmosphere of the city
Welcome to Yanagawa boat tour in a row boat(Donko-Bune)going around a historic canal surrounding Yanagawa Castle Ruin. The wide and narrow waterways network forming a unique landscape of the water district called Suigo is passing through the old castle’s water gate.Sometimes the boatman(Sendo) sings songs, and you can enjoy the relaxing ride and beautiful surroundings.You will forgget the passing of time because of the atmospheric beauty and calmly winding downstream.The boat ride lasts for about 70 minutes and it is not necessary to make reservations prior to boarding.However, by reserving ahead of time, passengers can enjoy a meal of the local cuisine such as steamed eel on the boat.



